Please Login/Signup account at top right of the page.
Only registered user can see wholesale price.

How to order products?

1. Choose item

If you click on items, you will see product details and price. Please confirm product size, length, color, weight and other details before add to cart.

Editing order
You can edit your order by click the cart on top right of the page to add or remove products.

3. Shipping

Please choose shipping option. For more detail, please click here. 

 2. Payment

Click "Checkout" to process the payment.
About payment detail please click here.
1. We accept major credit card.
2. PayPal
3. Cash on delivery (Customer in Japan only)
4. Direct cash payment at Head Office.

4. Click "pay now" to complete transaction.

If the transaction is completed, order confirmation E-mail be sent to you shortly. We will notify you tracking number when product has been shipped.

5. My order

You can check your order by click My account >My order at top right at the page.